Thursday, November 1, 2012

November Newsletter


MONTHLY MEETING, WEDNESDAY,  NOVEMBER 21ST.   In the Blue Room, 3rd floor of the Civic Center Building at Pioneer Park.    6:30 Social time, 7:00 Meeting starts.

The refreshment list for November has Hana Esop and Peggy Birkenbuel, a very short list again this month.    Anyone else who might have some tidbits to contribute to the evening would be greatly appreciated.  Contact Marj Moberly at 457-4661 if you have any questions.   

This month at our meeting - in the Blue Room as usual - we will vote for a new slate of officers. It is unfortunate that the meeting is the evening before Thanksgiving, but such is the luck of the draw. And I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday. The nominating committee proposes Matt Moberly as President and Steve Holford as Vice President, with Olga Hesketh continuing as Treasurer and Nelda Nixon continuing as our secretary and newsletter editor. It would normally fall to the current Vice President to step into the President's role, but Becky Anderson finds she must step down. I want to thank her for a brilliant job as Vice President, the position that organizes the monthly activity or speaker. And of course I want to thank Nelda and Olga for their faithful work in their respective roles, especially the newsletter and emails regarding the various art shows.
One of the studies I have taken over the past years is the use of different pigments and different materials within the watercolor family. So I suggest that on November 21st we should bring whatever watercolor pencils, regular colored pencils, crayons, inks, compressed paint sticks, etc. that we have at home to share and try out. And bring packs of blank cards, or water media paper. We should be able to come up with some useful Holiday cards, or even draft out ideas for the March show, or just play with the materials and see whether we like them.
Helen Howard, President

BECKY’S CORNER:  Hi all, I am out of town on family emergency business, but want to encourage everyone to bring those pencils, and all those other things that Helen mentioned.  If you don’t have any of those playthings, other members are bringing some of theirs to share.   Or just bring your little travel palettes or all your paints!  Have fun!

I personally enjoyed hearing last month’s speaker, Paul Robinson, CPA.  I learned new things to do and not to do!
I love the ease he has with his listeners. 
We hope to have some folks at the meeting so we can vote on the new slate of officers.  I know it is a cooking night-for Thanksgiving, but we’ll get through our business as quickly as possible, so folks can get back to their kitchens.
I thank everyone who gets their newsletter by email, as that definitely helps.  We are down to mailing about 36 now.  So, printing costs are less as well as postage.  Every little bit helps.
We would like to welcome new member:  Christina Hollibone.

Below is a note sent out by member Jean Hartman’s husband, Chick.  Tom and I visited with them a few days ago.  The watercolor society has also sent her some cheerful flowers.  She is a wonderful artist and has won awards in past years.  She hasn’t been able to attend meetings for the last few years, but many of our members will remember her.   Jean has been getting treatment for quite some time now.  As of last Monday (11-12-12), she was switching to a different chemo.  We pray this one will work better.   We wish her ease and send her lots of love.
Dear friends,
I'm sorry to let you know that Jean's condition is deteriorating now.  The cancer in her left lung is growing and she has recently had fluid removed from around the right one.
The doctor has put her on a new chemotherapy regime that has a 30% chance of helping, and this week she is getting an IV every day for an infection.
She is using oxygen at home now and that seems to help.
As is typical, she is still upbeat and would like visitors, but please call ahead.
I'm sure she would appreciate emails and/or phone calls from our far-away friends, as well as good thoughts from everyone.
Our home phone is 907-479-0823 and if you want to contact me, my cell phone is 907-460-0881.
The mailing address is 790 Pelican Way, Fairbanks, AK 99709.

NOVEMBER 14, 2012

This upcoming meeting is about commercial printing at home.  Alice, a friend of Lynn Larsen’s, is going to be the primary presenter.  Lynn will add her experience of recently joining in the giclee printer group.  Steve Holford, Kim Krinke, and Betsy Bear might be able to answer questions.  And, I, who have gone through 3 Epson professional grade printers over the last 10 years, have a long list of what not to do. 
Hope to see you all in the Blue Room, at the Civic Center, on the 3rd floor, next to the Bear Gallery.  6:30PM social and networking, with the talk starting at 7PM.    



Brought to you by the Fairbanks Art Association:

       Alaska artists called to submit annual art contest entries by Feb. 22, 2013.
For all the guidelines and submission information write to me and I’ll forward the pages to you, or contact the Fairbanks Art Association for same.

The Grange Gallery is Conducting its annual “teeny weenie”  (miniature) art show on Friday November 16th.  Artists wishing to submit work and participate in the show should contact John ( or 322-0623)   
5 November to reserve a spot.  Small paintings (framed and unframed), sculptures, cards, prints, fabric, glass, pottery, engravings, hand carved items, jewelry items, and other similar work will be featured.  Art will be displayed on walls, tables, or pedestals as appropriate.  Artists are encouraged to submit multiple pieces of work which will be displayed as space permits.  We will not be using red dots at this show, and customers may take their purchases with them at time of sale.  Vacant space will be filled with art as available.  We will receive art on Tuesday Nov 13th at the Gallery.  (That’s soon folks!)
GUIDELINE FOR SIZE: Paintings should not exceed  10” x 12”, excluding Frame.  Other flat items should be similar size.  3D items should fit on coffee table or bookshelf.  Call John for clarification 322-0632


Friday November 16th, 5 to 9 PM at the North Pole Grange Gallery
The Sixth annual miniature art show in North Pole.  The Mayor of North Pole has declared this Santa’s Official Art Show conducted by his elves. Tiny Art for Tiny Budgets.  Local artists have prepared framed miniature framed art, cards, jewelry, and other craft items ready for wrapping as Christmas gifts.  Join us for a special reception catered by the elves, meet the artists, and do your early Christmas shopping at our reception Friday night. 
Contact: John 322-0623

WOODWAY.  Matt Moberly and Steve Holford have their show up through November.  Stop in.
Matt needs some artists for The Woodway.  If you are interested, give him a call.  Matt at 388-8262 or email him.

GALLERY 49-Hana Esop

DENALI STATE BANK-Cheryl Berrong and Sherry Fisler.  Their work will be up through December.


PHILLIPS STUDIO and GALLERY – Dee Carpenter   Open on Saturdays through the month.   
And…. This Saturday, Nov. 17th, is a new book release “The Contract” by Jill Rasmussen, with cover art by our own Christine “Okiku” Thomas.  She will be signing copies from 2-4.  Stop in to say Hi  at Phillips Studio and Gallery on Well St.


Hosted by the Co-Op Arts Learning Center – Upstairs in the Co-Op Building.  452-ARTS (2787)
The old New Horizon yearly “MINIATURE SHOW” is being resurrected, even following the 60/40 split.  Artwork, frame included, can’t exceed 11” by 14” in dimensions.  Artwork can be handed in on the Saturday following Thanksgiving, November 24th, or by prior arrangements – should someone be traveling at that time. 
The Closet Artist show will continue, with work being accepted December 29 through Wednesday January 2nd (during business hours).  If someone is a professional artist maybe they would like to submit something in a medium that isn’t their main one.  There is a submission fee for this show, but the work doesn’t have to be for sale.  There are awards accompanying this show, with ‘Peoples’ Choice’ being the main one.      

NIKKI KINNE  WORKSHOP / CLASSES:   October 20th – November 17th - “Watercolor Basics” by Nikki Kinne, on  Saturdays for 4 weeks, 10AM till 4PM at Co-Op Arts Learning Center, 535 Second Ave. Suite 202.  Cost for all four sessions is $300.  Class size is limited to 15.  Students must be 13 years or older.  Call 452-2787 to register. 

Reserve your spot now.  Nationally acclaimed watercolor artist, Helen Klebesadel  will be teaching March 2nd, 3rd & 4th Mixed-Media Creativity Workshop, designed to encourage individuals to find or expand their own authentic artist's voice and subject matter. 10AM till 4PM.  $350, some supplies included.  At the Co-Op Arts Learning Center, 535 Second Ave. Suite 202.  Call 452-2787 to register.  Class size is limited to 15.

Also, Helen Klebesadel will be teaching a short evening course March 5th.  'Turning paintings and photographs into fabric designs using digital print on demand technology' 5:30PM till 8PM.  $40, at the Co-Op Arts Learning Center, 535 Second Ave. Suite 202.  Call 452-2787 to register.  Class size is limited to 20.

SUE COLE Is teaching one-on-one, children or adults, at her studio or she will come to you by appointment.  Call 456-3635 or 799-1120 or email

TOM NIXON:  Has begun the fall 2012 schedule.  Most of his classes are full.  Contact him for more information if you are interested. He has a few times available for private classes.   Call Tom or Nelda at 456-3329 or email for more details.

VLADIMIR ZHIKHARTSEV – A NEW series of Friday classes is going through November 16; 23; 30.
Classes are designed to advance beginner-intermediate level watercolor painting skills and will focus on  how to improve color relationships, depth and values as well as proportions and  composition in your painting. Seeing – is believing!   Every class will start with a narrated demonstration unveiling secrets of using different watercolor painting techniques and answering your questions. Never the same and always a challenge! 10am to 4:00pm. Cost is $65. Bring your own lunch.  Fresh coffee, tea & cookies are provided. Address is: 1604 Turner St.  Contact Vladimir  to sign up and find out what the theme for that day’s class is, so you can supply your own reference materials. To sign up call 455-4423 or email (preferred).

JOIN now.
To be up on the latest ‘in-between notices’ from a member to all group members, please join our Yahoo Group.  Messages can come into your Yahoo account or any email account you choose,.  You need to sign up to be able to receive it.  It is a useful tool.  Go to:  and follow directions to become a member.  It is free. What is great about this tool is you can post a note to everyone listed from the watercolor society with one posting.  It will go to everyone signed up in the group to receive a message.  I think there are 55 listed now.  Problems? Call Nelda Nixon

Or do the facebook spots that Becky has set up.  She talked about it in her blurb and is our expert. 

AS YOU KNOW Pam Hansen is our new FWS Historian.  Thank you Pam!!   So, my request to you, the membership, is this: if you notice anything historical or of interest about any of our members, please cut it out with the name, date and time it aired, etc. and pass it on to Pam.  It will be okay to get duplicates.  So don’t worry that she already has it.  Her email is, her phone number is at the end of this newsletter.

NEWSLETTER  ITEMS should be sent via email by the first weekend of each month.  Text only, and please include specific dates.  Please make it easy on me so I don’t make a mistake.  Usually, I copy and paste what you send.  Send to Nelda Nixon at  Thank you very much.

FIRST FRIDAY and THIRD FRIDAY TICKLER INFO should be sent the Monday of the week of the specific Friday (submissions preferably in 10pt Arial font) to Nelda Nixon at or  Call 456-3329 to remind me.  Text only, and please include specific dates.  Please make it easy on me so I don’t make a mistake.  Usually, I copy and paste what you send.


President Helen Howard, 374-2914; 
Vice President Becky Anderson, 474-4014;
Secretary/ Newsletter/ Membership Nelda L. Benson-Nixon, 456-3329;
 Treasurer Olga Hesketh, 452-1210;
 Historian Pamela Hansen, 388-8268

Monday, October 1, 2012

October Newsletter


MONTHLY MEETING, WEDNESDAY,  OCTOBER 17TH.  Back in the Blue Room, 3rd floor of the Civic Center Building at Pioneer Park.    6:30 Social time, 7:00 Meeting starts.


The refreshment list for October has Elizabeth Fossnight and Steve Holford, a very short list this month.   Perhaps Olga Hesketh, and Cheryl Berrong could fill in the other two spaces-since they were out of town for the Sep. meeting but on the Sep. list..   Anyone else who might have some tidbits to contribute to the evening would be greatly appreciated.   Contact Marj Moberly at 457-4661 if you have any questions.   


I'm writing this in the glow of a recent First Friday event, and want to thank all those who came to Gallery 49 and the Co-Op Arts Learning Center on Friday October 5th, where I will still have my paintings exhibited throughout October. It was a fabulous time for me. Nikki Kinne did a splendid job of hanging my 11 new paintings on the wall next to the window, and she kept another painting up on another wall. I had no fewer than 91 comments in my guest book and of course there were some who didn't sign. Everyone seemed to enjoy my paintings, and have a favorite. I discovered that each of the 12 pictures was someone's favorite. -- I hope that brings encouragement to you as you consider your own work. It is well worth getting it up as a show, perhaps at first in the Bear Gallery Gift Shop. You can give me a call about that, as I hang each month's artist's work up on the Wednesday before the First Friday. (374-2914) 
At the Summer Arts Festival Gayle Weisfield mentioned the importance of good framing. She cuts her own exquisite mats and she frames her watercolors carefully, saying that having a well-framed painting adds many dollars to the price of the work. I do notice how nice my three small Healy plein air watercolors look as I double matted them.  And I have thrown out my cheap frames and ordered good Nielsen metal frames from Cheap Joe's. You can see the results any day except Sunday. Ask at Gallery 49, in the Co-Op Building, 2nd Avenue. They'll let you in, should the door be locked. Hours are 11-6 daily.
Advertising is the other important part about exhibiting your art. I sent email advertisements to many friends and acquaintances, and Gallery 49 arranged to introduce Sandra Westcott, who had a Zentangle show downstairs, and me at the Chamber of Commerce Luncheon. Mike Cook, a CPA, won the painting I gave as a door prize and he brought his wife to see the rest of my work.
We are getting towards the end of 2012, so if you are interested in involving yourself closer with the Fairbanks Watercolor Society, consider volunteering for a board position. More information on this will be available below and at the upcoming meeting on October 17th.
Meanwhile, consider exhibiting. It's worth it!

Happy Painting!
Helen Howard, President


Greetings and Salutations, oh Mighty Artists!  I am inspired more than ever by our wonderful art community!  The talent, the graciousness, the caring and sharing are amazing. The First Friday events have been rockin' the town, and it's exciting to think of what might be coming up next.  A new facebook page you might want to check out and post your announcements on is 'Fairbanks Area First Friday, Third Friday Art Shows, PLUS!'.  It's a great community page on which to advertise your events, and keep track of art related happenings around town.

The program for the October meeting is one you won't want to miss, so get out your calendar and circle this date: Wednesday, October 17!  Paul Robinson, CPA of Robinson & Associates, PC, will be speaking to us on the scary topic (appropriate for Halloween, don't you think?) of........taxes!  Specifically taxes for artists, all the ins and outs, the ups the downs, the good and the bad.  All the stuff you'll want to know for the $500 or $500,000 you will be earning on your artwork now or in the future.  It's going to be information-packed, so don't miss it, Friends!

And with that, it's time to grind some glass or wet my paint brushes!  From my corner of the studio to yours,
That's the scoop!


I’d like to thank everyone who has joined our Society and say I have membership cards made out for all the payees.
I would like to get them delivered before Christmas!  If you are not at the October meeting, I will mail them to you.  Most will be due again at the end of December.  Watch for them in the mail, and when you send your next years’ dues, just change the date on the card, unless you’d like a new card.  I’ve been avoiding using stamps if possible, trying to be frugal with our treasury.  And, I thank everyone who gets their newsletter by email, as that definitely helps.  We are down to mailing about 36 now.  So, printing costs are less as well as postage.  Every little bit helps.
New Members:  Lynn Kulp, Priscilla Woodman, Elizabeth Fossnight, Alena Anderson.  Welcome aboard!!

Don't miss  this month's meeting, where our very own Gael Murakami will be speaking on tips for having a successful solo show.  Meetings are the second Wednesday of each month, with social/networking/ cookies from 6:30-7:00, followed by the meeting and program.  Meetings are held in the Blue Room of the Centennial Arts Building, Pioneer Park. Facebook page: Fairbanks Art League. Contact Becky Anderson if you would like to be added to the e-mailing list for Art League notices, at



Friday October 19th, 5 to 9 PM at the North Pole Grange Gallery
Please join us for an opening reception and welcome an exquisite display of  fine fabric artisanship by the Cabin Fever Quilters Guild.  Demonstrations will be conducted throughout the evening revealing different methods and techniques used by the artisans in creating their works of art through fabric displayed.
Contact: John 322-0623

Saturday October 20th, Noon to 4 PM at the North Pole Grange Gallery
Second day of weekend event. Artisans from the Cabin Fever Quilters Guild will be displaying their works of art while eagerly offering personalized demonstrations of their methods and techniques used. Their artwork will remain on display throughout Saturday afternoon. 
Contact: John 322-0623

 “A Palettes Perspective”  at the S Salon, 9th and Cushman.  With artists Matt Moberly, Cheryl Berrong, Neville Abbott Jacobs, Sherry Fisler, Phyllis Tate, and Tok Huang
The show will be displayed till the end of October.

DEE CARPENTER has a show in October at the Fairbanks Community Museum on Cushman.  If you missed it be sure to stop in.  Afternoon hours and Saturday.   She also has a painting and some prints at the Raven show I mention below.  

ALASKA BIRD OBSERVATORY "Raven" art show  will be up for the month of October.  Artwork must feature Raven/Raven Habitat in some way to have been accepted. Unsold pieces can be picked up by October 29th.  Future shows @ The Alaska Bird Observatory ( 2013 include : February- "Winter Birds",   April -"Migration" )  please contact Barb Andersen at or call 451-7159 with questions.

BEAR GALLERY PORTFOLIO REVIEW:  October is the magic month of the Portfolio Review, so if you are interested in vying for a much-coveted art show at the Bear Gallery, contact the Fairbanks Arts Association for details.

BEAR GALLERY Gift Shop has Peggy Birkenbuel as a featured artist with her collage. It will be up through October.

WOODWAY.  Matt needs an artist or 2, for Nov. at The Woodway.  Contact Matt  at 388-8262 or email him.  


The Grange Gallery is Conducting its annual “teeny weenie”  (miniature) art show on Friday November 16th.  Artists wishing to submit work and participate in the show should contact John ( or 322-0623) to reserve a spot.  Small paintings, cards, prints, glass, jewelry items, and other similar work will be featured.  Art will be displayed on walls, tables, or pedestals as appropriate.  Artists are encouraged to submit multiple pieces of work which will be displayed as space permits.  We will not be using red dots at this show, and customers may take their purchases with them at time of sale.  Vacant space will be filled with art as available.
Hosted by the Co-Op Arts Learning Center – Upstairs in the Co-Op Building.  452-ARTS (2787)
The old New Horizon yearly “MINIATURE SHOW” is being resurrected, even following the 60/40 split.  Artwork, frame included, can’t exceed 11” by 14” in dimensions.  Artwork can be handed in on the Saturday following Thanksgiving, November 24th, or by prior arrangements – should someone be traveling at that time. 

The Closet Artist show will continue, with work being accepted December 29 through Wednesday January 2nd (during business hours).  If someone is a professional artist maybe they would like to submit something in a medium that isn’t their main one.  There is a submission fee for this show, but the work doesn’t have to be for sale.  There are awards accompanying this show, with ‘Peoples’ Choice’ being the main one.      

NIKKI KINNE  WORKSHOP / CLASSES:   October 20th – November 17th - “Watercolor Basics” by Nikki Kinne, on  Saturdays for 4 weeks, 10AM till 4PM at Co-Op Arts Learning Center, 535 Second Ave. Suite 202.  Cost for all four sessions is $300.  Class size is limited to 15.  Students must be 13 years or older.  Call 452-2787 to register. 

Reserve your spot now.  Nationally acclaimed watercolor artist, Helen Klebesadel  will be teaching March 2nd, 3rd & 4th Mixed-Media Creativity Workshop, designed to encourage individuals to find or expand their own authentic artist's voice and subject matter. 10AM till 4PM.  $350, some supplies included.  At the Co-Op Arts Learning Center, 535 Second Ave. Suite 202.  Call 452-2787 to register.  Class size is limited to 15.

Also, Helen Klebesadel will be teaching a short evening course March 5th.  'Turning paintings and photographs into fabric designs using digital print on demand technology' 5:30PM till 8PM.  $40, at the Co-Op Arts Learning Center, 535 Second Ave. Suite 202.  Call 452-2787 to register.  Class size is limited to 20.

SUE COLE Is teaching one-on-one, children or adults, at her studio or she will come to you by appointment.  Call 456-3635 or 799-1120 or email

TOM NIXON:  Has begun the fall 2012 schedule.  Most of his classes are full.  Contact him for more information if you are interested. He has a few times available for private classes.   Call Tom or Nelda at 456-3329 or email for more details.

VLADIMIR ZHIKHARTSEV – A NEW series of Friday classes October 19; 26 and November 2; 9; 16; 23; 30.
Classes are designed to advance beginner-intermediate level watercolor painting skills and will focus on  how to improve color relationships, depth and values as well as proportions and  composition in your painting. Seeing – is believing!   Every class will start with a narrated demonstration unveiling secrets of using different watercolor painting techniques and answering your questions. Never the same and always a challenge! 10am to 4:00pm. Cost is $65. Bring your own lunch.  Fresh coffee, tea & cookies are provided. Address is: 1604 Turner St.  Contact Vladimir  to sign up and find out what the theme for that day’s class is, so you can supply your own reference materials. To sign up call 455-4423 or email (preferred).

JOIN now.
To be up on the latest ‘in-between notices’ from a member to all group members, please join our Yahoo Group.  Messages can come into your Yahoo account or any email account you choose,.  You need to sign up to be able to receive it.  It is a useful tool.  Go to:  and follow directions to become a member.  It is free. What is great about this tool is you can post a note to everyone listed from the watercolor society with one posting.  It will go to everyone signed up in the group to receive a message.  I think there are 55 listed now.  Problems? Call Nelda Nixon

Or do the facebook spots that Becky has set up.  She talked about it in her blurb and is our expert. 

AS YOU KNOW Pam Hansen is our new FWS Historian.  Thank you Pam!!   So, my request to you, the membership, is this: if you notice anything historical or of interest about any of our members, please cut it out with the name, date and time it aired, etc. and pass it on to Pam.  It will be okay to get duplicates.  So don’t worry that she already has it.  Her email is, her phone number is at the end of this newsletter.

NEWSLETTER  ITEMS should be sent via email by the first weekend of each month.  Text only, and please include specific dates.  Please make it easy on me so I don’t make a mistake.  Usually, I copy and paste what you send.  Send to Nelda Nixon at  Thank you very much.

FIRST FRIDAY and THIRD FRIDAY TICKLER INFO should be sent the Monday of the week of the specific Friday (submissions preferably in 10pt Arial font) to Nelda Nixon at or  Call 456-3329 to remind me.  Text only, and please include specific dates.  Please make it easy on me so I don’t make a mistake.  Usually, I copy and paste what you send.

 President Helen Howard, 374-2914; 
Vice President Becky Anderson, 474-4014;
Secretary/ Newsletter/ Membership Nelda L. Benson-Nixon, 456-3329;
 Treasurer Olga Hesketh, 452-1210;
 Historian Pamela Hansen, 388-8268

Saturday, September 1, 2012

September Newsletter


MONTHLY MEETING, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19TH.  In the Bear Gallery in the construction zone.  We will have chairs!  6:30 Social time, 7:00 Meeting starts.


The refreshment list for September has Becky Anderson, Olga Hesketh, Ellen Brown, Kim Krinke and Cheryl Berrong.  (Wonder how many of you remembered you had signed up…:)  We’ll be in the Bear Gallery (even though it is closed) and there will be a table for our snacks.  Contact Marj Moberly at 457-4661 if you have any questions.   Thank you!


I'm writing in anticipation of a great Labor Day weekend at Healy in the hope of good subjects for our next March show at Well Street Gallery. The theme will be Vintage Alaska. There are some good views in the mountains across the river and near the site of the old 'tipple' that seems to have been pulled down. Also, there are great views of Mount Healy, and there's really good cooking/eating at the Healy golf club.

I want to encourage everyone to enjoy next year's Arts in the Parks opportunities put on by the State Division of Parks and spearheaded by David Griffin. I so much enjoyed the one Sept.25/26 at the Red Squirrel campground off the Chena Hot Springs Road, but I think Vladimir and Nadia and I were the only artists from the Watercolor Society, though there were other artists from around Anchorage and Big Lake: Jim Leach and Dawn Aumann were there I know. It was a wonderful occasion with a continuous flow of marvelous food coming out of the many Dutch ovens and a display of vegetables from our Farmers' Market (provided by the Department of Agriculture) that was available for eating and even taking home. The slight rain was a minimal nuisance as it only rained me out while I painted on the way to the Red Squirrel campground, but I still got a useful watercolor sketch. And Jim Leach and I painted next to one another at Red Squirrel with a youngster watching and comparing our methods of using oil and watercolor. (My little white dog Muffin stood by and watched all the while I painted and I only realized she was there right at the end when a few drops of rain fell.) 

There was a huge white tent under which were many round tables, used first by the children and their art projects - they had painted large plywood animal cut-outs one of which directed us to the campground. Then the tables were laden with the amazing camp cookery headed by Bruce Campbell, Dutch oven cookbook author. David Griffin and his wife Stacey spent much time preparing vegetables and smothering potatoes in truffle oil prior to roasting. The Director of State Parks, Ben Ellis and his wife Susie and Brooks Ludwig, the Superintendent of Northern Region State Parks, plus Luann and Eddie Fogels all joined in the preparation of bratwurst, calzone, fabulous pot roast, corn-bread covered vegetable medley, salmon in phyllo dough crust and on and on, finished by a wild fruit cobbler - the emphasis was on Alaskan foods. Next year I believe they will be meeting on the Kenai Peninsula so we will have to travel South.

We had a small but successful group painting out at Creamer's Field for our August 'meeting' and two people gathered at the Georgeson Garden (it was quite rainy) for the July paint-out during Festival.  For the September meeting slated for the Blue Room on the 19th we will be inside the Bear Gallery even though it is being worked on.  They will have chairs for us.

In planning for your winter projects write yourself a note (I'm speaking to myself here particularly!) to focus on a particular facet of watercolor painting so you can improve your skill at home.  Learn more about color mixing, pigment properties, brush technique, work on a series, paint wet in wet, drybrush, a larger format, miniatures… there are so many facets to it.

Happy Painting!
Helen Howard, President


Becky's Corner

Greetings and salutations, oh mighty artists!
With a busy, busy summer for all of us coming to a close, I'm excited to get into the slower (yeah, right) routine of Fall, and---dare I say it---Winter! As Summers seem to mandate, we all scattered to the winds a bit, working on the various painting projects, workshops, and paint outs, and it's time to regroup and come together to enjoy each other's company once again. YAY!  I missed you!  With this in mind, our September program will be "Show and Tell!"  Bring your summer paintings to the meeting so we can ooooooh and aaaaaah at our newest creations and share what we've been up to. And come early (6:30) to EAT COOKIES! VISIT! And get your POST-SUMMER HUGS!  It's going to be great to see each other again, so come out and play! 

Part of what's been happening this Summer is the "Paint the Pipes" project downtown, and I'm thrilled to see that Fairbanks Watercolor Society members Dan Kennedy, Nikki Kinne and Kate Wood are among those chosen to paint wonderful images they designed on the downtown pipes. Congratulations!
And with that, dear Friends, I say........ 
From my corner of the studio to yours......That's the scoop!


We were very sorry to miss the ‘Red Squirrel’ trip.  I was really disappointed, as I was all packed and ready to go, but our sleeping quarters, “Harvey the RV”, had some leakage problems.  We got those cleared up so were able to travel to Healy for the Labor Day Paint Out.  We parked near one of the cabins; it was really slick.  We had the Northridge Cabin and the Chalet on one side of the street and the Willow Cabin across the way with all the marvelous scenery right out their window.  We watched the colors change right before our eyes.  I was glad I painted some of it before 30% of the leaves fell.  I’m afraid they didn’t have much choice as first the rain came pretty good Saturday afternoon and then the wind decided to blow on the second night, Sunday. it did well!  We were able to paint outside until mid afternoon both days.  I was very happy to have my fingerless gloves!  Especially in the wind.  Yes, I am a wimp!
We had two group dinners and lots of food and one group breakfast of pancakes.  Those who came were Helen Howard, Gael Murakami, Anne Aleshire, Heather Sullivan, Ellen Brown, Tom and Nelda Nixon, Susan Englebrecht and husband, Greg, Lynn Kulp and granddaughter, 10 yr old Anneliese (who Tom instantly nicknamed Fred-because he couldn’t remember her name – with her permission, of course!) And, she is quite an artist.  She did some marvelous leaves, picked from outdoors.   We played a game of Chickenfoot the last night after Lucy Tyrrell, of Healy, joined us for dinner.  She saw Tom on the road, while she was looking for us, and he pointed her in the right direction.  It was great to see a Healy member!
It has been a great summer for us, and now that it is ending, we’re ready!

We need to start thinking about next year’s Labor Day Weekend.  Where it might be.  Who would like to head up the committee.  Do you think you’d go.  Are we too busy with families to plan for it?  Should individuals just do ‘their own thing’ ?  Do you have any thoughts.  Maybe our organization is getting too big. 


WEDNESDAY – September 12- Fairbanks Art League. This is your monthly notice for the upcoming meeting, September 12, 6:30PM at the Civic Center, Blue Room.    September 12 = Submitting an application for the Portfolio Review by the Staff from the Fairbanks Arts Association.  At Pioneer Park, Civic Center, on the top floor (by the Bear Gallery) in the Blue Room.  6:30- 8:30PM.  Call 479-2695 for more information.



Third Friday Art Show at S Salon:
"Go Park Yourself" a collection of paintings traveling across the planet to Fairbanks' doorstep, by Steve Holford, accompanied by Becky Anderson's fused glass wall sculptures  art show, "Nature Calls!" ----Approximately one year since Steve's first public appearance on the art scene comes an exhibition that must be seen to be believed! Made from vodka to wine to coffee; witness some of the most rare and unusual paintings on the planet! Also featuring the insanely popular glass creations of Alaskan artist, Becky Anderson.  Opening night 5-8pm, September 21st. One week only!!! At S Salon and Studio, 9th Avenue and Cushman Street.

North Pole Grange Gallery Third Friday Art Show
Come see the beautiful creations and wonderful photography of Hilda and Herb Melchoir!  The Artist Reception is Friday, 5:00-9:00, with the show continuing on Saturday, 12:00-4:00.

S Salon Show October 2012
First Friday Oct 5, 2012   5:30p-8:00p
“A Palettes Perspective”
With artists Matt Moberly, Cheryl Berrong, Neville Abbott Jacobs, Sherry Fisler, Phyllis Tate, and Tok Huang
The show will be displayed till the end of October.

Join the Alaska Bird Observatory for our upcoming First Friday "Raven" art show Oct 5th! 5-8pm.
Artwork must feature Raven/Raven Habitat in some way to be accepted.  Artwork will be accepted until noon, Wed.  Oct 3rd. At this event last year approx. 375 attended. Artists get 70% of the sale , while 30% goes to support programs at The Alaska Bird Observatory. Space is limited, please call or email prior to bringing work by. Include an inventory list when dropping off work.  We are a small nonprofit, many volunteers, wish to make this a smooth process.  Artwork will be up for the month. Unsold pieces can be picked up by October 29th.  Future shows @ The Alaska Bird Observatory ( 2013 include : February- "Winter Birds",   April -"Migration" )... please contact Barb Andersen at or call 451-7159 with questions.

Bear Gallery Portfolio Review:  October is the magic month of the Portfolio Review, so if you are interesting in vying for a much-coveted art show at the Bear Gallery, contact the Fairbanks Arts Association for details.

Hosted by the Co-Op Arts Learning Center – Upstairs in the Co-Op Building.  452-ARTS (2787)

The old New Horizon yearly “Miniature Show” is being resurrected, even following the 60/40 split.  Artwork, frame included, can’t exceed 11” by 14” in dimensions.  Artwork can be handed in on the Saturday following Thanksgiving, November 24th, or by prior arrangements – should someone be traveling at that time. 

The Closet Artist show will continue, with work being accepted December 29 through Wednesday January 2nd (during business hours).  If someone is a professional artist maybe they would like to submit something in a medium that isn’t their main one.  There is a submission fee for this show, but the work doesn’t have to be for sale.  There are awards accompanying this show, with ‘Peoples’ Choice’ being the main one.      


Denali National Park has called for applications from visual artists and writers for the 2013 Artist-in-Residence program. Established artists and writers use a historic roadside cabin as a base to explore the park and seek inspiration from it. Many works from previous artists-in-residence are displayed in the Denali and Eielson visitor centers. Artists reside in the East Fork cabin, Mile 43 on the park road, for a 10-day period between now and mid-September. In return, each artist donates a piece of artwork or written piece to the park's collection. They also offer a public presentation for visitors at the end of their residency. Applications are available online at

Alaska Watercolor Society Juried Show
I have just looked at the Alaska Watercolor Society Juried Show, and you can too by going to 
There are all the paintings that made the show and the winners.  Frank Francese was the Juror.  Three of our members were accepted, Cheryl Berrong, Lura Elverson White, and Tammy Phillips.  Nice work everyone!  There are some superb Alaskan Artists and one from Colorado.  Have a look.  Very informative. 

TRAINING & CERTIFICATION:  I will also attach the notice (it was too long to include) from the Fairbanks Arts Association for the Fairbanks Teaching Artists Training & Certification Academy.  If you want to teach kids in the schools you will need this.

SUE COLE Is teaching one-on-one, children or adults, at her studio or she will come to you by appointment.  Call 456-3635 or 799-1120 or email

TOM NIXON:   Will begin the fall 2012 schedule Sept. 19th.  Contact him for more information if you are interested. He has a variety of times and days set up.  Call Tom or Nelda at 456-3329 or email for more details and the different schedules.

JOIN now.
To be up on the latest ‘in-between notices’ from a member to all group members, please join our Yahoo Group.  Messages can come into your Yahoo account or any email account you choose,.  You need to sign up to be able to receive it.  It is a useful tool.  Go to:  and follow directions to become a member.  It is free. What is great about this tool is you can post a note to everyone listed from the watercolor society with one posting.  It will go to everyone signed up in the group to receive a message.  I think there are 55 listed now.  Problems? Call Nelda Nixon

AS YOU KNOW Pam Hansen is our new FWS Historian.  Thank you Pam!!   So, my request to you, the membership, is this: if you notice anything historical or of interest about any of our members, please cut it out with the name, date and time it aired, etc. and pass it on to Pam.  It will be okay to get duplicates.  So don’t worry that she already has it.  Her email is, her phone number is at the end of this newsletter.

NEWSLETTER  ITEMS should be sent via email by the first weekend of each month.

FIRST FRIDAY and THIRD FRIDAY TICKLER INFO should be sent the Monday of the week of the specific Friday (submissions preferably in 10pt Arial font) to Nelda Nixon at or  Call 456-3329 to remind me.


President Helen Howard, 374-2914; 
Vice President Becky Anderson, 474-4014;
Secretary/ Newsletter/ Membership Nelda L. Benson-Nixon, 456-3329;
 Treasurer Olga Hesketh, 452-1210;
 Historian Pamela Hansen, 388-8268

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

June Newsletter



Refreshments:  For our June 21st Solstice Picnic; this will be a total Potluck. Gather at 6:30, eat about 7:00ish.  Everyone please bring something.  From Salads to main dishes to desserts-it is wide open.  FWS will have paper plates, napkins and plastic utensils.  However, if you want to bring your own eating-ware to use, feel free to do that, along with your dish. (In Barrow, many years ago, at the Thanksgiving Feast held in the Presbyterian Church, everyone brought their own plates, forks, etc. After we ate, everyone just took them home)   Contact Marj Moberly at 457-4661 if you have any questions.    
Thank you in advance!

              Thanks to Phyllis Tate, Nan Woodman, Linda Witt, and Judy Gottschalk for covering the W/C table at the Art Walk and for getting new members of the Watercolor Society at the Design Alaska Wild Arts Walk on Sunday June 3rd.   Meanwhile, I was busy at the Quick Draw, which was very successful. Both Dan Kennedy and Steve Holford managed to paint two pictures during the one hour time limit. Tammy Phillips did a Yupo vase of sunflowers and Gael Murakami did a beautiful painting of Creamer’s barns and field. I was tempted to bid. Donna Lenard did a forest scene and Randall Compton painted Alaskan wild roses. The artists received 60% - except that Randy donated his part to Friends of Creamer’s. The Summer Arts Festival and Creamer’s shared the balance.
            Several of the Watercolor Society members went to Risse’s Greenhouse for their First Friday. There was virtually no rain despite the downpour that Fairbanks received at that time.
            Our next chance for members to show their art as a group is on July 8th when Matt Moberly is organizing a paint-out and art sale at Cyndie Warbelow Tack’s Plant Kingdom on Farmers Loop Road. It will run from 12 to 4 p.m. on that Sunday and Jinx Whitaker will be there to cover the sales from inside the greenhouse while the artists paint outdoors, weather permitting.  Cyndie is all excited about having us there.  This should be a fine occasion with wine being served and a harpist playing music to paint by. Contact Matt, 388-8262 at to reserve a space.
            I hope to see everyone at the Picnic on June 20 at the Wilderness Pavilion. It will be a potluck and paint-out. If you have a special salad, that would be great. Bring your most recent paintings to share for a friendly critique. We will take our annual photo too.
Helen Howard, President

Greetings and Salutations, Oh Mighty Artists!  Summer is in full swing, and the paint is flying!
The Design Alaska Wild Arts Walk boasted six of our fine artists participating in the Quick Draw: Dan Kennedy, Gael Murakami, Tammy Phillips, Donna Lenard, Steve Holford and Randall Compton entertained the masses with great results.  In addition, you could find many of us manning our booths including the Fairbanks Watercolor Society booth.  A big thanks goes to you heroes who manned the FWS booth,  I love when the volunteer sheet gets passed around and filled up!! The Wild Arts Walk is a fun venue to show and sell your wares.  It's always the first Sunday in June, so put it on your calendar for 2013, and don't miss the fun!

The FWS picnic is around the corner, so don't miss it!  It's always a lot of fun, so be there or be square!  It'll be a great opportunity to eat and socialize and eat, oh! and bring your paints, too!

Matt Moberly is heading up a paintout event with FWS members and the Plant Kingdom on Sunday, July 8 if there is enough interest.  It's a great opportunity to paint for a few hours around the grounds, as well as display a few pieces of your work for sale to the public.  Please contact Matt ASAP if you are interested in participating.  His email address is in Helen’s note.
And THAT'S the scoop, from my corner of the studio to yours.  Happy Summer!


THIS MONTH will be our annual picnic and paint-out.  So, start cooking!  (Just kidding!)  I’m going to bring deviled eggs and some cooked National Hebrew hotdogs, no buns-just dogs.   We’ll be in the Wilderness Pavilion again this year, over nearest the River.  Hopefully there will be less wind (dress warm-just in case) and noise from Peger Rd, but you can park there off Peger Rd.  The canoes are mostly done by the time we all get there.  It is so much closer!   Last year, we worried about parking there, but this year we aren’t!

NEXT MONTH:   THERE WILL BE NO NEWSLETTER IN JULY.  On our meeting day, 3rd Wednesday, July 18th.,  members will gather to paint anywhere in the gardens.  The weather always determines how many come.  Everything will be in bloom.  It will be a very good thing; to come out and play / paint.   See you there!
TOM will be on another long bike ride, he’ll be trackable again in a journal, the title will be “The Great Alaska Loop”  author will be Tom Nixon.  Last year’s journal was called An Alaskan Tour.  This year we will paint all along the trip.  I am really looking forward to driving “Harvey the RV” and painting to my little hearts content….

Last month our distress call for a Historian worked and Pam Hansen volunteered to be our FWS Historian.  Thank you Pam!!
So, my request to you, the membership, is this: if you notice anything historical or of interest about any of our members, please cut it out with the date and time it aired, etc., and pass it on to Pam.  It will be okay to get duplicates.  So don’t worry that she already has it.

By the way, I have a Red, Women’s Schwinn World Tourist bicycle for sale.  Bought from Campbell Sports, but it has only been ridden about six times.  We just got it serviced; air in the tires, etc.  Then after falling 3 times on my first ride, decided I better give it up.  We concluded my sometimes vertigo just didn’t jive with staying upright on my bike.  It is an upright 7spd, free wheeling, with a front basket, both fenders and rear carrier   I’d like $195 or best offer.  It is a beauty, I hate to sell it, but I must.  Call Nelda or come see it.  456-3329 or at 516 Glacier.
Nelda Nixon, Secretary.

GRANGE GALLERY * THIRD FRIDAY ART SHOW *  RAVEN’S DEN.  Reception from 5-9pm, Friday June 15th.

The Fairbanks Art League will be meeting at a new date and time, beginning in June.  The meetings will be held the second Wednesday of each month, with social/networking/eating goodies beginning at 6:30, followed by a 7:00 meeting/program.  The topic for June's meeting is Portable Credit Card Readers.  Come learn more about Square, Intuit, Pay Pal and More!

Phone and website listed earlier in Helen’s President’s Palette.
If you book a different cabin, please let me know. Also let me know if you have or need room-mates.
I have started a list of who is going, what cabin they have and if they have or need room-mates.
I plan to drive down Friday night after work - leaving at 5:30 pm. I could take one other person with me.
If you are driving and can take others let me know and I will try to match people up.
If you have any questions or would like to room with someone please contact me.
Anne at 322-1206.

Rates for 1-2 persons $15 extra person single Bed double bed total
 $130 North Ridge Sleeps 3 MW & Refrig 1 1 3   Rented by Nelda & Tom Fri, and Anne Alshire Sat, Sun.
 $130 Aspen View  Sleeps 3 MW & Refrig 1 1 3   Unavailable - Rented
 $140 Willow Sleeps 4 MW & Refrig 2 2    Rented by Becky Anderson
 $140 Windward Sleeps 5 MW & Refrig 1 2 5
 $140 Guest House Sleeps 4 full kitchen 1 1  ( double bed in loft with steep stairs ) Rented.– Unavailable.
$220 Chalet Sleeps 6 full kitchen 2 2 6   Rented by Helen Howard & Ellen – Fri, Sat, Sun.
        (price is for 1-4 people)        5 9 20
P.S. There are also other facilities available nearby, for couples or people who don’t want to share.  Contact Anne for the list.

SHAMELESS SELF PROMOTION  (A NEW CATEGORY!)  (Also known as SSP!)  Open to all Members…..

BECKY ANDERSON --- Becky Anderson is thrilled a Featured Jewelry Artist at S SALON & STUDIO at 9th & Cushman. You can find my fused glass jewelry creations at the S Salon through June 27.  You can also find my fused glass jewelry, wine stoppers, and larger art pieces at Gallery 49 in the Co-Op Plaza.

CHERYL BERRONG- Bear Gallery Gift Shop Corner  Features FWS members each month.  Cheryl Berrong is the artist for June.   For future months to be the featured artist in the Bear Gallery Gift Shop Corner, give Helen Howard a call 374-2914 – leave a msg or email to set up your month for yourself.

      MATT MOBERLY has a show hanging at the Fairbanks Community Museum.  He states there are new colors and different paintings.  Be sure to check it out.  Their summer hours are Mon-Fri, 11-7pm, Sat. by Appointment, Sun. 11-3.  The Museum phone number is 457-3669
     TOM NIXON will conduct a 3 Day Workshop:  “How To Paint Outdoors”,  August 17, 18, 19, 2012, Cost $150.00.  Fairbanks Creek Lodge, 2320 Fairbanks Creek Road, just off the Steese Hwy, at 23 mile.  Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
This workshop will cover choosing the scene and setting the goal for the painting, then doing several compositional thumbnails, followed by how to execute a meaningful value sketch, and finally executing the actual painting.
Friday’s session will be dedicated to broad vista landscapes, Saturday will be mid sized landscapes, and Sunday will be up close and small landscapes.  With an explanation and demo each session Tom will help you to see what you want to paint, design the painting and then execute that idea artistically.  At the conclusion of each session there will be a positive critique of each person’s painting  to help all prepare for the next session! 
Brenda is giving us a wonderful rate, including meals.  So please check out the flyer/registration that is attached.

Suggestion by Ellen Brown: At our picnic, FWS members sign a Thank You card for Jo Scott.  I’ll bring full sheets of Watercolor paper, and am glad to set it up.  Similar to what we did for Jack Taylor - paint a little something.  Not tooo fancy- she won't be taking it to the Big Apple. She is departing in Sept.   Yes, Yes, Yes!!   We’ll do it!

Frank Francese will teach a five day workshop in Anchorage, August 6 - 10, 2012. Spaces are limited, reserve a seat from the Alaska Watercolor Society with the form available at See the Workshop page of Frank's website ( for more details on his workshop approach and agenda.

MARK McDERMOTT <> wrote:  I am teaching a watercolor workshop titled "Watercolor Landscape: Tips & Techniques" at Across The Bay Tent & Breakfast, Kachemak Bay, the weekend of Aug. 17-19, 2012:  (Ed. Note – this looks so cool!)
Mark McDermott                Painting Web Site:
5100 Vaquero Road          Photo Web Site:
Anchorage, Alaska 99516,  907-345-6997

STILLPOINT – HALIBUT COVE (across from Homer)  Includes Eric Weigardt. (This was a great email brochure, but unable to include it because of space.  So check out the website and look at workshops.)  It will be in September.
Friends, We are pleased to announce our lineup of retreats for the upcoming summer season. Make plans now to attend one of our unforgettable events. Invite a friend, a loved one, a parent or a sibling to attend along with you. 
   Jan Thurston   For more details:

Barbara Nechis Workshop scheduled for Sept. 6 - 9, 2012, at Lands End in Homer, Alaska.   Barbara Nechis is looking forward to being back in Alaska and coming to Homer. Under her workshop guidelines she states: "Instruction is not geared towards beginners or part time participants. (Anyone who has read my book and is comfortable with my philosophy with benefit, whether or not they are experienced in watercolor.) I begin with a demonstration lasting about an hour and stress a different concept each day, followed by assistance to students. I conclude each day with a one hour critique."   A confirmation of receipt of your application and deposit will be sent out around the first of June or before. A supply list will be enclosed.         Please send questions or comments to
Please view our Newsletter and Calendar of Events on our website at:

CALL FOR ART:  State of Alaska will be hosting 3 different Arts in the State Parks this summer,  David Griffin is the contact person for the Dept Of Natural Resources. the dates and places are:
Independence Mine /Hatcher Pass June 16th, July 4th & 5th
Angel Rocks/Chena River State Rec Area August 25th & 26th, Helen plans to do this and has contacted David.   
Here is the note Helen received with more info.   Hi Helen,   
Thank you for contacting me.  State Parks is planning an Arts in the Parks event to take place in the vicinity of Angel Rocks in the Chena  River State Recreation Area.  This event is all-ages, open to the  public, and rain or shine.  Although the focus is on Angel Rocks, the event will be staged out of Mile 48 pond.  There's plenty of space there  for camping and socializing
> Our plans are still be developed but I can tell you that we will have a variety of activities planned for the kids, and will be hosting a potluck dinner in the evening.  A large tent will be set up, and we will also be providing tables and chairs.  The event will wrap up with an art show under the tent Sunday afternoon.  Once I get more details I'll let you know.  Thanks for your interest.  Dave.
AND-SIMILAR-BUT DIFFERENT!  Art for Alaska Parks  2012 -  Alaska's Top 30 Competition  -  Award Categories
$1000 Grand Prize  -  Entry Deadline is July 31, 2012
New Award Category!  -  A Celebration Of Alaska's Beauty
The AFAP comp is designed to celebrate the beauty of Alaska by showcasing representational artists while enhancing the public awareness of Alaska's public accessible recreational areas.  This event is sponsored by Alaska Artists Guild
You can obtain more information and Prospectus/Entry Form from our website:
Kurt Jacobson President ALASKA ARTIST GUILD
SUE COLE Is teaching one-on-one, children or adults, at her studio or she will come to you by appointment.  Call 456-3635 or 799-1120 or email

TOM NIXON:    Is teaching on-going classes.  Contact him for more information.  Call Tom or Nelda at 456-3329 or email for more details or visit their improved & updated web site

To be up on the latest ‘in-between notices’ from a member to all group members, please join our Yahoo Group.  Messages can come into your Yahoo account or any email account you choose,.  You need to sign up to be able to receive it.  It is a useful tool.  Go to:  and follow directions to become a member.  It is free. What is great about this tool is you can post a note to everyone listed from the watercolor society with one posting.  It will go to everyone signed up in the group to receive a message.  I think there are 55 listed now.  Problems? Call Nelda Nixon

Newsletter  items should be sent via email by the first weekend of each month.
FIRST FRIDAY and THIRD FRIDAY TICKLER INFO should be sent the Monday of the week of the specific Friday (submissions preferably in 10pt Arial font) to Nelda Nixon at or  Call 456-3329 to remind me.

President Helen Howard, 374-2914;  Vice President Becky Anderson, 474-4014;
Secretary/ Newsletter/ Membership Nelda L. Benson-Nixon, 456-3329; and Treasurer Olga Hesketh, 452-1210;
Historian Pamela Hansen, 388-8268


Fairbanks Watercolor Society
P.O. Box 82536
Fairbanks, AK 99708-2536

Address Service Requested

Potluck/Picnic:  Wed. June 20, 2012
6:30-??pm  Wilderness Pavilion
Pioneer Park, Fairbanks

Friday, May 11, 2012

May Newsletter


MONTHLY MEETING, WEDNESDAY, MAY 16TH,   6:30pm Social/Greeting; 7:00pm, Meeting & Program.   
This month we will back in the 3rd Floor Blue Room, Civic CenterPioneer Park.   

REFRESHMENTS:  For May, Shelly Vickers, Tom and Nelda Nixon, Marilyn Askelin, Steve Holford and Terri Crowson have signed up to bring refreshments.  We always appreciate any extras that you might want to bring along.  If you have any questions or suggestions, contact Marj Moberly at 457-4661.    Thank you in advance!

This will be a very short note as Christine Fortner will be starting to teach a week's workshop tomorrow and our early meeting date means there's not much time to get the Newsletter set and printed and mailed. You will hear about the Workshop results at the May meeting on May 16, which is when John Poirrier will be giving us further ideas for using the Golden Mean. 
Don't forget to come to the June picnic, which will again be by the Chena boat landing at the Wilderness Pavilion. Our July 'meeting' will again be a paint-out at the Georgeson Garden at the University, and August a paint-out at Creamer's Field.
I still have room in the cabin I'm renting for our Labor Day weekend retreat and paint-out. I have booked the largest cabin at Healy Heights for three nights from August 31. If you want one of the smaller cabins, here is the contact information:
Healy Heights Family Cabins
Rod and Marilou Johnson
PO Box 277,  HealyAlaska 99743
Phone: (907) 683-2639  or  Fax: (907) 683-2640


Greetings and salutations, oh Mighty Artists!
Spring has sprung, and you know what that means ---- The Design Alaska Wild Arts Walk is coming up!  The Arts Walk will be at Creamers Field June 3, from 12:00-4:00.  if you would like your own booth, contact Christine Huff at Creamers Field---they will set up a booth for you, give you a free lunch, and you can sell, sell, sell your nature-inspired artwork, donating a mere 20% of your sales to Creamers.  It's a great opportunity.  The FWS booth needs additional volunteers to help man the information table, so contact me at if you would like to volunteer, and thanks in advance!

We have a great May program lined up for you!  John Poirrier will be presenting on "The Golden Mean, as it Applies to Painting".  Thank you, John!  We always enjoy your presentations, both the learning and the laughing.  We had a wonderful program in April, given by Jinx Whitaker.  It was very informational, interesting, and appreciated.  We love our program presenters!
That's the scoop!
From my corner of the studio to yours,

And last but not least, ELLEN BROWN IS 80 YEARS YOUNG!!  Well, almost, anyway....Ellen's birthday is the first week of June, but Ellen, we want to wish you an early HAPPY BIRTHDAY, and we celebrate YOU!  Whoop! Whoop!


NEXT MONTH will be our annual picnic and paint-out.  So, be thinking about that.  We’ll be in the Wilderness Pavilion again this year, over nearest the River.  Hopefully there will be less wind and noise from Peger Road, but you can park there.  The canoes are mostly done by the time we all get there.  It is so much closer!   Last year, we worried about parking, this year we aren’t!

HELP WANTED!  SERIOUSLY FOLKS!!  We need a volunteer for our Historian position.  As mentioned, Barb won’t be able to maintain it or store the scrapbooks.  The position requires collecting news articles, pictures from functions and placing them in a readable scrapbook.  Quite often we have some of the books on display at some functions.  They are really fun to look at and provided the details for Helen’s speech at the Mayor’s Awards. Other members of our group will help with delivering articles and programs to the historian.  I think it would take minimal time, but definitely needs someone ‘in charge’.  Think about it.  If this is something you think you could handle, please call Helen 374-2914 or Nelda at 456-3329.  This was actually my first position for our club.

Nelda Nixon, Secretary.

GRANGE GALLERY * THIRD FRIDAY ART SHOW *  Theme for May 18th and 19th is “Farm and Garden”.   Multi artist show.  Broad subject.  All medias including photography. Will have a more detailed request in a couple of hours.

FAIRBANKS ART LEAGUE,  NEXT MEETING:  June 5th, 2012.   For particulars, contact Nikki Kinne,

WILD ARTS WALK, Sunday, June 3, 12:00-4:00
Design Alaska Wild Arts Walk
The Wild Arts Walk is coming up on Sunday, June 3, and always proves to be a fun time!  the Deadline for booth application is now, so if you would like your own booth/tent, don't delay!  We have our Fairbanks Watercolor Society tent reserved, and need a few volunteers to share in the fun of manning the booth.  Contact Becky Anderson to secure your volunteering spot!  For more information and applications, contact Creamers Field.

Phone and website listed earlier in Helen’s President’s Palette.
If you book a different cabin, please let me know. Also let me know if you have or need room-mates.
I have started a list of who is going, what cabin they have and if they have or need room-mates.
I plan to drive down Friday night after work - leaving at 5:30 pm. I could take one other person with me.
If you are driving and can take others let me know and I will try to match people up.
If you have any questions or would like to room with someone please contact me.
Anne at 322-1206.


SHAMELESS SELF PROMOTION  (A NEW CATEGORY!)  (Also known as SSP!)  Open to all Members…..

BECKY ANDERSON --- Becky Anderson is thrilled to be May's Featured Jewelry Artist at S Salon!  The unveiling of April's "Fun and Funky Spring Collection" was a hit---come see what she has in store for May!  You can find my fused glass jewelry creations at the S Salon through June 27.  You can also find my fused glass jewelry, wine stoppers, and larger art pieces at Gallery 49 in the Co-Op Plaza.

The S SALON and STUDIO is on Cushman across from the Police Department and City Hall (old Main School).  This is our annual early Summer show with some great artist friends...They have wonderful walls and between us all we have over 40 paintings.  So, if you find your way there Friday evening,  we would love to see you!!

S SALON & STUDIO at 9th & Cushman will feature Watercolor Paintings by Tom and Nelda Nixon,
Matt Moberly, Cheryl Berrong, Sherry Fisler and Chuck Alkire. With Hana Esop's oils and acrylics.
Becky Anderson will also have her shiny, Spring Sparkler Jewelry on display in some special cases. 
First Friday, May 4th, reception from 5:30 to 8:00pm.  Stop in and say hello.  The paintings will hang
throughout the month of May.

BEAR GALLERY GIFT SHOP CORNER   Features FWS members each month.  is the artist for April ..
      For future months the Bear Gallery Gift Shop Cornergive Helen Howard a call 374-2914 – leave a msg or email to set up your month for yourself.
Barbara Nechis Workshop scheduled for Sept. 6 - 9, 2012, at Lands End in Homer, Alaska.
             Barbara Nechis is looking forward to being back in Alaska and coming to Homer. Under her workshop guidelines she states: "Instruction is not geared towards beginners or part time participants. (Anyone who has read my book and is comfortable with my philosophy with benefit, whether or not they are experienced in watercolor.) I begin with a demonstration lasting about an hour and stress a different concept each day, followed by assistance to students. I conclude each day with a one hour critique."
       A confirmation of receipt of your application and deposit will be sent out around the first of June or before. A supply list will be enclosed.
       Please send questions or comments to
 Please view our Newsletter and Calendar of Events on our website at:

Mat-Su College is having their second annual weekend Machetanz Art Festival l on June 2 and registration is available now. Get on their web site and then just write in "Art Festival 2012" and it will open. Click on the classes and a list will show up - drawing, painting - oil- watercolor -silk, printmaking, photography, pottery, beading.  Classes are small 8-15 students depending on the class. All day is generally $50 (9-4)+ some material fees in some instances or half day $25 (some classes are half day). Judi Betts is teaching a class for 4 days in the week prior for $200.  She will also teach a 1 day on June 2nd 9am to 4pm, $50 & $12 materials fee. Lunch is provided for all full day classes.  And 2 of our local teachers will be teaching there, as well.  Tom Nixon and Vladimir Zhikhartsev.   So if you want a chance to mingle with some fine artists, get that little beginning of summer shot in the arm, take a glorious drive down to the valley (maybe even extend the trip a little) why not check this opportunity out.
Alaska Watercolor Society, Anchorage.   Invitation to Artists for 38th Annual Alaska Watercolor Society Juried Exhibition.  Deadline for receipt of mailed applications June 6, 2012. Details and application forms Show dates September 20 - October 3, 2012 at Stephan Fine Arts, Anchorage, Alaska,  Frank Francese judging.
Please circulate to your members via your website and/or newsletter. We are happy to reciprocate announcements on, just contact me.
Southcentral Alaska (near Anchorage)  Join us (The Painted Ladies) for this All Inclusive Alaskan Plein Air Adventure, June 15-19. 2012.  This retreat will be based out of a Wasilla B & B.  Go to and find out all about this group, as well as about this retreat.  Click on about the retreat.  If you are interested, sign up soon, as it is filling up.

MARK McDERMOTT <> wrote:  I am teaching a watercolor workshop titled "Watercolor Landscape: Tips & Techniques" at Across The Bay Tent & Breakfast, Kachemak Bay, the weekend of Aug. 17-19, 2012:  (Ed. Note – this looks so cool!)
Mark McDermott                Painting Web Site:
5100 Vaquero Road          Photo Web Site:
AnchorageAlaska 99516

STILLPOINT – HALIBUT COVE (across from Homer)  Includes Eric Weigardt. (This was a great email brochure, but unable to include it because of space.  So check out the website and look at workshops.)
Friends, We are pleased to announce our lineup of retreats for the upcoming summer season. Make plans now to attend one of our unforgettable events. Invite a friend, a loved one, a parent or a sibling to attend along with you.
Blessings,   Jan Thurston   
For more details:

CALL FOR ART:  State of Alaska will be hosting 3 different Arts in the State Parks this summer,
David Griffin is the contact person for the Dept Of Natural Resources. the dates and places are:
Eklutna Lake/Chugach State Park June 2nd & 3rd
Independence Mine /Hatcher Pass June 16th, July 4th & 5th
Angel Rocks/Chena River State Rec Area August 25th & 26th

AND-SIMILAR-BUT DIFFERENT!  Art for Alaska Parks รข?" 2012 -  Alaska's Top 30 Competition  -  Award Categories
$1000 Grand Prize  -  Entry Deadline is July 31,2012
New Award Category!  -  A Celebration Of Alaska's Beauty
The AFAP comp is designed to celebrate the beauty of Alaska by showcasing representational artists while enhancing the public awareness of Alaska's public accessible recreational areas.  This event is sponsored by Alaska Artists Guild
You can obtain more information and Prospectus/Entry Form from our website:
Kurt Jacobson President ALASKA ARTIST GUILD
SUE COLE Is teaching one-on-one, children or adults, at her studio or she will come to you by appointment.  Call 456-3635 or 799-1120 or email

TOM NIXON:    Is teaching on-going classes.  Contact him for more information.  Call Tom or Nelda at 456-3329 or email for more details or visit their improved & updated web site

JOIN now.
To be up on the latest ‘in-between notices’ from a member to all group members, please join our Yahoo Group. Messages can come into your Yahoo account or any email account you choose,.  You need to sign up to be able to receive it.  It is a useful tool.  Go to:  and follow directions to become a member.  It is free. What is great about this tool is you can post a note to everyone listed from the watercolor society with one posting.  It will go to everyone signed up in the group to receive a message.  I think there are 55 listed now.  Problems? Call Nelda Nixon

NEWSLETTER  ITEMS should be sent via email by the first weekend of each month.
FIRST FRIDAY and THIRD FRIDAY TICKLER INFO should be sent the Monday of the week of the specific Friday (submissions preferably in 10pt Arial font) to Nelda Nixon at or  Call 456-3329 to remind me.

President Helen Howard, 374-2914;  Vice President Becky Anderson, 474-4014;
Secretary/ Newsletter/ Membership Nelda L. Benson-Nixon, 456-3329; and Treasurer Olga Hesketh, 452-1210;